
SCPI Commands

class Tpc[source]

Tpc commands group definition. 7 total commands, 1 Sub-groups, 6 group commands

# SCPI: TRIGger:WCDMa:MEASurement<instance>:TPC:DELay
value: float = driver.trigger.tpc.get_delay()

Defines a time delaying the start of the measurement relative to the trigger event. The delay is useful if the trigger event and the uplink DPCH slot border are not synchronous. A measurement starts always at an uplink DPCH slot border. Triggering a measurement at another time yields a synchronization error. For internal trigger sources aligned to the downlink DPCH, an additional delay of 1024 chips is automatically applied. It corresponds to the assumed delay between downlink and uplink slot. This setting has no influence on ‘Free Run’ measurements.


delay: numeric Range: -666.7E-6 s to 0.24 s, Unit: s

# SCPI: TRIGger:WCDMa:MEASurement<instance>:TPC:MGAP
value: float = driver.trigger.tpc.get_mgap()

Sets a minimum time during which the IF signal must be below the trigger threshold before the trigger is armed so that an IF power trigger event can be generated.


minimum_gap: numeric Range: 0 s to 0.01 s, Unit: s

# SCPI: TRIGger:WCDMa:MEASurement<instance>:TPC:SLOPe
value: enums.SignalSlope = driver.trigger.tpc.get_slope()

Qualifies whether the trigger event is generated at the rising or at the falling edge of the trigger pulse (valid for external and power trigger sources) .


slope: REDGe | FEDGe REDGe: Rising edge FEDGe: Falling edge

# SCPI: TRIGger:WCDMa:MEASurement<instance>:TPC:SOURce
value: str = driver.trigger.tpc.get_source()

Selects the source of the trigger events. Some values are always available. They are listed below. Depending on the installed options, additional values are available. You can query a list of all supported values via TRIGger:… :CATalog:SOURce?.


source: string ‘Free Run (Standard) ‘: Free run (standard synchronization) ‘Free Run (Fast Sync) ‘: Free run (fast synchronization) ‘IF Power’: Power trigger (normal synchronization) ‘IF Power (Sync) ‘: Power trigger (extended synchronization)

# SCPI: TRIGger:WCDMa:MEASurement<instance>:TPC:THReshold
value: float = driver.trigger.tpc.get_threshold()

Defines the trigger threshold for power trigger sources.


threshold: numeric Range: -47 dB to 0 dB, Unit: dB (full scale, i.e. relative to reference level minus external attenuation)

# SCPI: TRIGger:WCDMa:MEASurement<instance>:TPC:TOUT
value: float or bool = driver.trigger.tpc.get_timeout()

Selects the maximum time that the measurement waits for a trigger event before it stops in remote control mode or indicates a trigger timeout in manual operation mode. This setting has no influence on ‘Free Run’ measurements.


timeout: numeric | ON | OFF Range: 0.01 s to 10 s, Unit: s Additional parameters: OFF | ON (disables | enables the timeout)

set_delay(delay: float)None[source]
# SCPI: TRIGger:WCDMa:MEASurement<instance>:TPC:DELay
driver.trigger.tpc.set_delay(delay = 1.0)

Defines a time delaying the start of the measurement relative to the trigger event. The delay is useful if the trigger event and the uplink DPCH slot border are not synchronous. A measurement starts always at an uplink DPCH slot border. Triggering a measurement at another time yields a synchronization error. For internal trigger sources aligned to the downlink DPCH, an additional delay of 1024 chips is automatically applied. It corresponds to the assumed delay between downlink and uplink slot. This setting has no influence on ‘Free Run’ measurements.

param delay

numeric Range: -666.7E-6 s to 0.24 s, Unit: s

set_mgap(minimum_gap: float)None[source]
# SCPI: TRIGger:WCDMa:MEASurement<instance>:TPC:MGAP
driver.trigger.tpc.set_mgap(minimum_gap = 1.0)

Sets a minimum time during which the IF signal must be below the trigger threshold before the trigger is armed so that an IF power trigger event can be generated.

param minimum_gap

numeric Range: 0 s to 0.01 s, Unit: s

set_slope(slope: RsCmwWcdmaMeas.enums.SignalSlope)None[source]
# SCPI: TRIGger:WCDMa:MEASurement<instance>:TPC:SLOPe
driver.trigger.tpc.set_slope(slope = enums.SignalSlope.FEDGe)

Qualifies whether the trigger event is generated at the rising or at the falling edge of the trigger pulse (valid for external and power trigger sources) .

param slope

REDGe | FEDGe REDGe: Rising edge FEDGe: Falling edge

set_source(source: str)None[source]
# SCPI: TRIGger:WCDMa:MEASurement<instance>:TPC:SOURce
driver.trigger.tpc.set_source(source = '1')

Selects the source of the trigger events. Some values are always available. They are listed below. Depending on the installed options, additional values are available. You can query a list of all supported values via TRIGger:… :CATalog:SOURce?.

param source

string ‘Free Run (Standard) ‘: Free run (standard synchronization) ‘Free Run (Fast Sync) ‘: Free run (fast synchronization) ‘IF Power’: Power trigger (normal synchronization) ‘IF Power (Sync) ‘: Power trigger (extended synchronization)

set_threshold(threshold: float)None[source]
# SCPI: TRIGger:WCDMa:MEASurement<instance>:TPC:THReshold
driver.trigger.tpc.set_threshold(threshold = 1.0)

Defines the trigger threshold for power trigger sources.

param threshold

numeric Range: -47 dB to 0 dB, Unit: dB (full scale, i.e. relative to reference level minus external attenuation)

set_timeout(timeout: float)None[source]
# SCPI: TRIGger:WCDMa:MEASurement<instance>:TPC:TOUT
driver.trigger.tpc.set_timeout(timeout = 1.0)

Selects the maximum time that the measurement waits for a trigger event before it stops in remote control mode or indicates a trigger timeout in manual operation mode. This setting has no influence on ‘Free Run’ measurements.

param timeout

numeric | ON | OFF Range: 0.01 s to 10 s, Unit: s Additional parameters: OFF | ON (disables | enables the timeout)

Cloning the Group

# Create a clone of the original group, that exists independently
group2 = driver.trigger.tpc.clone()
