
SCPI Commands

class Prach[source]

Prach commands group definition. 7 total commands, 1 Sub-groups, 6 group commands

# SCPI: TRIGger:WCDMa:MEASurement<instance>:PRACh:DELay
value: float = driver.trigger.prach.get_delay()

Defines a time delaying the start of the measurement relative to the trigger event.


delay: numeric Range: -666.7E-6 s to 0.24 s, Unit: s

# SCPI: TRIGger:WCDMa:MEASurement<instance>:PRACh:MGAP
value: float = driver.trigger.prach.get_mgap()

Sets a minimum time during which the IF signal must be below the trigger threshold before the trigger is armed so that an IF power trigger event can be generated.


minimum_gap: numeric Range: 0 s to 0.01 s, Unit: s

# SCPI: TRIGger:WCDMa:MEASurement<instance>:PRACh:SLOPe
value: enums.SignalSlope = driver.trigger.prach.get_slope()

Qualifies whether the trigger event is generated at the rising or at the falling edge of the trigger pulse (valid for external and power trigger sources) .


slope: REDGe | FEDGe REDGe: Rising edge FEDGe: Falling edge

# SCPI: TRIGger:WCDMa:MEASurement<instance>:PRACh:SOURce
value: str = driver.trigger.prach.get_source()

Selects the source of the trigger events. Some values are always available. They are listed below. Depending on the installed options, additional values are available. You can query a list of all supported values via TRIGger:… :CATalog:SOURce?.


source: string ‘IF Power (Sync) ‘: Power trigger (extended synchronization)

# SCPI: TRIGger:WCDMa:MEASurement<instance>:PRACh:THReshold
value: float = driver.trigger.prach.get_threshold()

Defines the trigger threshold for power trigger sources.


level: numeric Range: -47 dB to 0 dB, Unit: dB (full scale, i.e. relative to reference level minus external attenuation)

# SCPI: TRIGger:WCDMa:MEASurement<instance>:PRACh:TOUT
value: float or bool = driver.trigger.prach.get_timeout()

Selects the maximum time that the R&S CMW waits for a trigger event before it stops the measurement in remote control mode or indicates a trigger timeout in manual operation mode.


timeout: numeric | ON | OFF Range: 0.01 s to 60 s, Unit: s Additional parameters: OFF | ON (disables | enables the timeout)

set_delay(delay: float)None[source]
# SCPI: TRIGger:WCDMa:MEASurement<instance>:PRACh:DELay
driver.trigger.prach.set_delay(delay = 1.0)

Defines a time delaying the start of the measurement relative to the trigger event.

param delay

numeric Range: -666.7E-6 s to 0.24 s, Unit: s

set_mgap(minimum_gap: float)None[source]
# SCPI: TRIGger:WCDMa:MEASurement<instance>:PRACh:MGAP
driver.trigger.prach.set_mgap(minimum_gap = 1.0)

Sets a minimum time during which the IF signal must be below the trigger threshold before the trigger is armed so that an IF power trigger event can be generated.

param minimum_gap

numeric Range: 0 s to 0.01 s, Unit: s

set_slope(slope: RsCmwWcdmaMeas.enums.SignalSlope)None[source]
# SCPI: TRIGger:WCDMa:MEASurement<instance>:PRACh:SLOPe
driver.trigger.prach.set_slope(slope = enums.SignalSlope.FEDGe)

Qualifies whether the trigger event is generated at the rising or at the falling edge of the trigger pulse (valid for external and power trigger sources) .

param slope

REDGe | FEDGe REDGe: Rising edge FEDGe: Falling edge

set_source(source: str)None[source]
# SCPI: TRIGger:WCDMa:MEASurement<instance>:PRACh:SOURce
driver.trigger.prach.set_source(source = '1')

Selects the source of the trigger events. Some values are always available. They are listed below. Depending on the installed options, additional values are available. You can query a list of all supported values via TRIGger:… :CATalog:SOURce?.

param source

string ‘IF Power (Sync) ‘: Power trigger (extended synchronization)

set_threshold(level: float)None[source]
# SCPI: TRIGger:WCDMa:MEASurement<instance>:PRACh:THReshold
driver.trigger.prach.set_threshold(level = 1.0)

Defines the trigger threshold for power trigger sources.

param level

numeric Range: -47 dB to 0 dB, Unit: dB (full scale, i.e. relative to reference level minus external attenuation)

set_timeout(timeout: float)None[source]
# SCPI: TRIGger:WCDMa:MEASurement<instance>:PRACh:TOUT
driver.trigger.prach.set_timeout(timeout = 1.0)

Selects the maximum time that the R&S CMW waits for a trigger event before it stops the measurement in remote control mode or indicates a trigger timeout in manual operation mode.

param timeout

numeric | ON | OFF Range: 0.01 s to 60 s, Unit: s Additional parameters: OFF | ON (disables | enables the timeout)

Cloning the Group

# Create a clone of the original group, that exists independently
group2 = driver.trigger.prach.clone()
